
XDIR Download

XDIR is a win32 console free software by Guillaume Bordier to deal with directories

XDIR has been around since the years 2000, like FILEACL it is able to use the Backup and Restore privileges to read through directory trees that the (admin) user does not have permissions to.

XDIR is Freeware.

This SOFTWARE is owned and copyrighted by Guillaume Bordier. Your license confers no title or ownership in the SOFTWARE and should not be construed as a sale of any right in the SOFTWARE.

You may distribute unlimited copies of this program in its original form to any legal place.

You may NOT distribute XDIR into any sold product or software package without express and written clearance from the author.

Downloading XDIR means you agree with the terms above

XDIR comes in two main versions:


XDIR [/MIN:xxx\[GB|MB|KB|B]\] \[/LEV:xx\]\[/RMDIR\]


XDIR has 3 modes

Mode switches: /DIRUSE [default] calculate size for directory and first level of subdirs, diruse like /RMDIR !!!! this will DESTROY the directory and all sub elements!!!!! (like rd /Q /S) /DIR will list directory content with sizes

if XDIR is renamed / linked to RMDIR.EXE the mode will default to /RMDIR.

Detailed Syntax

Default Behaviors: [Directory Size mode] will use those values as default:

Option Description
/LEV:nn Deph to report
/FORCE uses SeBackupPrivilege and SeRestorePrivilege to bypass NTFS ACLS (and read System Volume information for instance), in /RMDIR mode this WILL destroy really all data unless files are still open in the directory.
/UNIT:Unit Unit can be TB,GB,MB,KB,B, defaults to “Auto”
/MIN:xxxuu Minimum size to report for each directory
/ONLYCURRENT don’t inlcude subdirectories in the size of current directory
/INCUDEREMOTE includes non local content (onedrive content) in sum
/CSV output in CSV format
/OUTPUT: output to file instead of screen
/ANSI output as ANSI instead of trying to convert to OEM charset
/UNICODE outputs as UNICODE (valid only with /OUTPUT
/DEBUG give debug information
/VERBOSE give [many] debug information

Command Line Samples

calculate size for a directory
        XDIR <Directory> [/MIN:xxx[GB|MB|KB|B]] [/LEV:xx]
        or :
        XDIR c:\temp /MIN:900MB /LEV:3

delete a subdirectory:
        XDIR <Directory> /RMDIR
        RMDIR <Directory>

list a subdirectory
        XDIR <Directory> /DIR
        LSDIR <Directory>